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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

One-stop reception desk

"Bienvenue en France" quality approach

At the beginning of each academic year, from September to October, the International Relations Department sets up a one-stop reception desk for international students ("Guichet unique d'accueil et d'accompagnement'). This is the culmination of its "Bienvenue en France" quality approach.

At the one-stop reception desk, UPJV staff and our partners will welcome you and help you with all the administrative procedures required to finalise your administrative registration at the UPJV and to settle in your new environment.

The one-stop reception desk is aimed primarily at international students who are registering for the very first time at the University of Picardie Jules Verne.

The representatives of the following organisations will help you with the administrative procedures at the one-stop reception desk:

  • The banks (Caisse d'Épargne and BNP) for the opening of a bank account
  • The CROUS for information on university accommodation and catering
  • Action Logement (Accommodation Assistance) for any deposit requirement
  • The Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (Health Insurance Fund) for the reimbursement of any medical expenses
  • The Caisse d'Allocation Familiale (Family Allowance Fund) to apply for housing grants
  • The Prefecture for the validation of visas.
Help is provided with applications forms, making any necessary appointments, and information brochures are provided (city map, bus lines...)

For more information

To find out the dates of the next one-stop reception desk:

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