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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Research structures

Research units

The innovative potential of the UPJV is embodied by its 36 research units recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI). Some of these units are accredited by the largest research organisations in France (show logos):

  • 6 are associated with the National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS)
  • 2 are associated with the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, INSERM)
  • 1 is associated with the National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques, INERIS)
  • 1 is associated with the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement, INRAE)
These 36 research units cover 3 disciplinary fields:

  • Science (12 research units)
  • Health (11 research units)
  • Human and Social Sciences (13 research units)
The UPJV's research programme is structured around federating themes, which you can find out about by consulting the presentation sheets or the websites of the research units below.


1) Cancers and pathophysiological consequences of environmental and infectious factors

AGIR - Infectious agents, resistance and chemotherapy (UR UPJV 4294)
Director: Pascal Sonnet
AGIR aims to work on new antimicrobial molecules, to understand their biomolecular mechanisms of action and to study infectious agents and resistance phenomena.
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APERE - Physiological adaptations to exercise and rehabilitation (UR UPJV 3300)
Director: Saïd Ahmaïdi 
APERE studies the cardiorespiratory, muscular and metabolic adaptations inherent in deficient human motor skills (rehabilitation to exercise in people with disabilities) and efficient human motor skills (physical performance in athletes).
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HEMATIM - Haematopoiesis and Immunology (UR UPJV 4666)
Director: Loïc Garçon
HEMATIM studies the mechanisms involved in normal and pathological hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis.
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LPCM - Laboratory of cellular and molecular physiology (UR UPJV 4667)
Director: Halima Ouadid-Ahidouch 
The LPCM is working to elucidate the role of ion channels and intracellular calcium in the pathophysiology of the human mammary gland.
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PÉRITOX - Perinatality and toxic risks (UMR-I INERIS 01)
Director: Véronique Bach
PÉRITOX aims to study the effects of toxic and physical environmental agents on the health of pregnant women and children.
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2) Neuroscience of development, cognition, disability, addiction and degeneration

GRAMFC - Research group on analysis of brain function (UMR-S INSERM 1105)
Director: Fabrice Wallois 
The GRAMFC is developing tools for the simultaneous analysis of changes in local cerebral electrical and haemodynamic activity in physiological and pathological situations, particularly in newborns.
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GRAP - Research Group on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (UMR-S INSERM 1247)
Director: Mickaël Naassila 
The GRAP studies the genetic and environmental factors involved in vulnerability to alcohol dependence, in particular early exposure (in utero/adolescence).
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LNFP - Functional Neuroscience and Pathology Laboratory (UR UPJV 4559)
Director: Olivier Godefroy 
The LNFP combines ophthalmology, neurology and psychiatry to study the mechanisms of visual or spatial information processing, multisensory integration, attentional processes and executive functions.
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3) Surgical innovation and tissue remodelling

CHIMERE - Surgery and Cephalic Extremity Morphological and Functional Characterisation (UR UPJV 7516)
Director: Sylvie Testelin 
CHIMERE aims to: personalise the diagnosis and therapeutic approach to head and neck surgery; morphological and functional characterisation of pathologies of the cephalic extremity.
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MP3CV - Pathophysiological mechanisms and consequences of cardiovascular calcifications - Role of cardiovascular and bone remodelling (UR UPJV 7517)
Director: Saïd Kamel
MP3CV studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cardiovascular calcification, which is often associated with significant cardiovascular risk and is found in patients with chronic renal failure or inflammatory diseases.  |  > Download

SSPC - Simplifying care for complex patients (UR UPJV 7518)
Director: Jean-Marc Régimbeau 
SSPC aims to acquire large-scale, multidisciplinary data on complex patients and their outcomes to assess the feasibility of AMR-type management.
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1) Materials and energy storage

LPMC - Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory (UR UPJV 2081)
Director: Mimoun El Marssi 
The LPMC is developing expertise in new materials with great technological potential: ferroelectric complex oxides and microstructured materials and functional surfaces.
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LRCS - Laboratory of Reactivity and Solid-State Chemistry (UMR CNRS 7314)
Director: Mathieu Morcrette 
The LRCS develops expertise in the development and characterisation of materials, particularly in the field of energy storage and conversion.
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PSC - Physics of complex systems (UR UPJV 4663)
Director: Claire Meyer
PSC is composed of both experimental and theoretical researchers. The fundamental research carried out in this team, with a broad spectrum of applications, focuses on two axes: liquid crystals and the theory of complex systems.
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2) Agrosciences, green chemistry and sustainable development

BIOPI - Plant Biology and Innovation (UMR INRAE Transfrontalière BioEcoAgro BEA 1158)
Director: François Mesnard 
BIOPI works on understanding cell wall modifications during plant development, biosynthetic pathways, in particular lignans, and root metabolism for the production of molecules of interest.
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EDYSAN - Dynamic Ecology of Human Systems (UMR CNRS 7058)
Director: Guillaume Decocq 
EDYSAN focuses on the multiscale and integrated analysis of the dynamics of production spaces and systems (forestry and agrosystems) in the context of global changes and their ecological, environmental and human impacts.
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B2R - Basins - Reservoirs - Resources (U2R 7511 UPJV/UNIL)
Director: Geoffroy Mahieux 
B2R studies the evolution of sedimentary basins, reservoirs and sources of fossil and renewable energy (hydrocarbons, geothermal energy, water).
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GEC - Enzymatic and Cellular Engineering (UMR CNRS 7025 UPJV/UTC)
Amiens Director: Catherine Sarazin 
The activities of the GEC research unit are focused on the study and implementation of biocatalysts, using functional and integrative approaches at 3 levels of complexity (molecular, supramolecular and cellular).
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LG2A - Laboratory of Antimicrobial and Agro-Resource Glycochemistry (UMR CNRS 7378)
Director: José Kovensky 
In the field of glycochemistry, the research at LG2A is mainly devoted to the development of routes to molecules of interest. The research activity is structured in 2 Axes: Chemistry for Life / Chemobiology and Chemistry for Sustainable Development.  | > Download

3) Mathematics, digital tools and engineering sciences

EPROAD - Eco-processes, optimisation and decision support (UR UPJV 4669)
Director: Mhand Hifi 
EPROAD is composed of an ICST team focused on operational research, an IPS team focused on materials and process engineering, and a transversal axis oriented towards the optimisation of industrial ecosystems.
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MIS - Modelling, Information and Systems (UR UPJV 4290)
Director: Gilles Dequen 
The MIS is a research unit in digital sciences. It develops expertise in computer science, automation, robotics and computer vision.
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LAMFA -The Amiens Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics (Laboratoire amiénois de mathématique fondamentale et appliquée) (UMR CNRS 7352)
Director: Ivan Marin
LAMFA is a mathematics laboratory structured around three teams: applied analysis, group theory and probability, arithmetic and dynamics. | > Download

LTI - Laboratory of Innovative Technologies (UR UPJV 3899)
Director: Pascal Vantomme 
The LTI has a scientific focus on the efficient use of energy resources for sustainable development, within a framework that is articulated around two axes: "Mechanics and Coupling" and "Energy and Systems".
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1) Heritage, images and territories

CHSSC - Centre for the History of Societies, Sciences and Conflicts (UR UPJV 4289)
Director: Philippe Nivet 
The CHSSC presents a transdisciplinary project focusing on the modern and contemporary period and associating historians, historians of science and physicians in the study of the major conflicts of the 20th century in an innovative way.
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CRAE - Centre for Research in Arts and Aesthetics (UR UPJV 4291)
Director: Androula Michael
The CRAE is a research laboratory in arts and aesthetics, covering the whole field of art studies, from art philosophy and art theory, to art history, visual and performing arts and music. It works in partnership with several national and international research centres.
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HM - Habiting the World (UR UPJV 4287)
Director: Sophie Chevalier
HM brings together geographers, sociologists, philosophers, ethnologists and specialists in visual anthropology to discuss the construction of social identities.
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TRAME - Texts, representations, archaeology, authority and memory from Antiquity to the Renaissance (UR UPJV 4284)
Director: Laurence Boulègue 
The disciplinary field of the TRAME research unit extends from literature (ancient and modern, French and foreign) to history, art history and archaeology, over a period from Antiquity to the Renaissance. | > Download

2) Knowledge, languages and norms

CRP-CPO - Centre for Research in Psychology: cognition, psychism and organisations (UR UPJV 7273)
Director: Béatrice Bourdin
The CRP-CPO is interested in processes related to social cognition, language development and memory and attention processes in healthy subjects and subjects with disabilities and pathologies. | > Download

CAREF - The Amiens Education and Training Research Centre (Centre amiénois de recherche en éducation et formation) (UR UPJV 4697)
Director: Alain Maillard
CAREF focuses on education and training with an international comparative approach structured around three axes: educational policies, teaching and training practices, and intergenerational changes in educational, social, comparative and intercultural integration. | > Download

3) Public action, organisations and governance

CEPRISCA – The Amiens Centre of Civil Law and Criminal Sciences (Centre de droit privé et de sciences criminelles d'Amiens) (UR UPJV 3911)
Director: Cédric Glineur 
CEPRISCA is a multidisciplinary private law research unit whose main activities are in the fields of civil law, commercial law, health law, criminal law, procedural law and labour law.
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CURAPP-ESS - University Centre for Research on Public Action and Politics - Epistemology and Social Sciences (UMR CNRS 7319)
Director: Nathalie Le Bouteillec 
The CURAPP-ESS is an interdisciplinary social science research unit with a specific focus on political and legal sciences. | > Download

CRIISEA – The Amiens Institutional, Industrial and Economic Systems Research Centre (UR UPJV 3908)
Director: Stéphane Longuet 
The CRIISEA brings together teacher-researchers in economics and management around two research axes: "Institutional and Organisational Change" and "Governance and Coordination".
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LEFMI - Laboratory of Economics, Finance, Management and Innovation (UR UPJV 4286)
Director: Loredana Ureche-Rangau
The LEFMI questions the functioning and evolution of market and financial exchanges, as well as the behaviour of agents in the economic sphere.

4) Languages, cultures and literature

CERCLL - Centre for the Study of Linguistic and Literary Relations and Contacts (UR UPJV 4283)
Director: Anne Duprat 
The CERCLL focuses on a specific theme, that of cultural transfers and exchanges in Europe, the USA and Latin America. | > Download

CORPUS - Conflicts, Representations and Dialogues in the Anglo-Saxon World (UR UPJV 4295)
Director: Frédérique Spill
CORPUS specialises in the study of language and memory in English-speaking countries.
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CEHA – The Amiens Centre for Hispanic Studies(UR UPJV 4285)
Director: Rica Amran 
The CEHA aims to structure research in different areas of Hispanic history, literature, culture and civilisation.
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Research federations and networks

The UPJV is involved in numerous research organisations of national or international scope (federative research structures, federations, networks and institutes). In some of these structures, the UPJV plays an active part in the governance and/or in the definition of scientific orientations, reinforcing its position as a leader in key areas:

  • energy storage
  • e-Health
  • digitisation of heritage
  • sustainable development

Federative Research Structures (SFR)

The SFR Condorcet (FR 3417)

The SFR Condorcet, recognised by the CNRS and INRAe, brings together the skills and expertise of public and private research structures in the Champagne-Ardenne and Picardy regions working in the field of sustainable agriculture, on the non-food valorisation of agro-resources and the preservation of the environment.

Associated UPJV research units: BIOPI, EDYSAN, GEC, LG2A, LRCS, EPROAD, CURAPP-ESS

The SFR Collaborative Institute for a New Courses in E-Health (ICONES)

ICONES develops and experiments innovations in a close relationship with patients and in line with the needs of carers, in different contexts in hospitals and at home. It federates scientific skills from the fields of health, science and social sciences.


SFR Digital and Heritage 

The SFR Digital and Heritage (Numérique et Patrimoine) federates and scientifically animates research units in the region on the theme of digital and heritage, by cross-referencing research in digital sciences (digitisation, virtualisation, massive data processing, virtual reality, etc.) with research on heritage, whether tangible or intangible.

Associated UPJV research units: MIS, TRAME

Research Federations (RF)

The FR Chemistry Federation of Picardy (Institut de Chimie de Picardie,  ICP) (FR 3085)

The mission of this institute is to federate chemistry in Picardy: to unite skills and encourage the emergence of collaborative projects in the fields of energy storage and conversion, the development of agro-resources and carbohydrate chemistry, with the support of the skills in organic and inorganic chemical analysis techniques of the two platforms. The ICP brings together 90% of the human potential in chemistry on the southern side of the Hauts-de-France region.

Associated UPJV research units: LG2A, LRCS

The FR Mathematics Federation of the Hauts-de-France Region (Mathématiques des Hauts-de-France) (FR CNRS 2956)

The federation aims to bring together all researchers in Mathematics in the Hauts-de-France region. Its mission covers the following areas: regional scientific life, training (master's degree, doctorate), recruitment, international cooperation, documentary policy. The research themes cover most of the spectrum of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Associated UPJV research unit: LAMFA

The European House of Human and Social Sciences in Lille NdF (MESHS) (USR 3185)

MESHS is a federation of research projects and programmes, whose primary objectives are to structure, promote and decompartmentalise research in the humanities and social sciences (SHS) in the Hauts-de-France region.


The networks

The Electrochemical Energy Storage Network (RS2E) (FR 3459)

RS2E is a research network on energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors). It brings together 17 CNRS/University laboratories, 3 public establishments (CEA, IFPEN, INERIS) and 15 industrialists (from SMEs such as Solvionic to large groups such as Renault). As an industrial network, the RS2E is working to improve today's batteries and invent the batteries of tomorrow.

Associated UPJV research units: LG2A, LRCS

The European ALISTORE-ERI Network (FR 3104)

The ALISTORE-ERI network is a CNRS research federation bringing together 19 academic partners in the field of renewable energy storage in France, the UK, Scotland, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden. The French academic laboratories involved are also members of RS2E. The industrial club of ALISTORE-ERI is composed of 12 major groups such as EDF, SOLVAY or RENAULT.

The Research Network on Racism and Anti-Semitism (RRA)

The RRA is a collaborative structure that federates research units attached to different institutional partners (universities, CNRS, associations, public or private institutions). By breaking down disciplinary barriers and developing multi-disciplinarity, the RRA encourages the emergence of innovative research projects on racism and antisemitism.

Associated UPJV research units: CRP-CPO, CHSSC, CURAPP-ESS, CERCLL, HM, CAREF


The Group for Research and Studies in Robotic Surgery (GRECO)

The GRECO is a federative institute whose ambition is to become an international centre of excellence in robotic surgery. GRECO relies on a surgical innovation methodology based on health simulation. Robotic tools are considered here as support platforms with multiple capabilities. New clinical applications are still to be discovered and developed, in order to effectively meet patients' expectations and needs.

Associated UPJV research units: CHIMÈRE, SSPC and MIS + SimUSanté®.

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