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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Arts, Lettres, Langues

Faculty of Arts TRU

The TRU aims to train students in all aspects of artistic creation: acting, directing, visual arts, photography, production, distribution, management of works, staging...

Many courses are taught by experienced professionals, thus placing artistic practice and access to technology at the heart of learning.

Director: Arnaud Timbert

: Amiens, rue des Teinturiers - Pôle Teinturerie.


TRU website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 1076
Number of teachers: 36
Number of degrees: 9 (3 Bachelor’s degrees - 1 Vocational Bachelor’s degree - 5 Master’s degrees)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):
  • Chart, Texts, representations, archaeology, authority and memory from Antiquity to the Renaissance.
  • CRAE, Centre for Research in Arts and Aesthetics

Faculty of Literature TRU

The TRU offers general courses in literature and language sciences. The courses offered enable students to develop and perfect their knowledge of French literature, general and comparative literature, ancient literature, linguistics and communication.

At the same time, vocational academic courses prepare students for jobs in the library sector and in the communication sector.


: Amiens, rue des Français Libres - Pôle Citadelle.

NB: Also available at the Beauvais Campus (link to " UPJV Beauvais Campus”)

TRU website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 469
Number of teachers: 34
Number of degrees: 6 (2 Bachelor’s degrees - 2 Vocational Bachelor’s degrees - 2 Master’s degrees)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):
  • CERCLL, Centre for the Study of Linguistic and Literary Relations and Contacts
  • TRAME, Texts, representations, archaeology, authority and memory from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures TRU

The TRU in Foreign Languages and Cultures offers two types of complementary courses, covering a vast field ranging from the business world (LEA Bachelor's degree and Master's degree) to that of culture or research (LLCER, Master's degree in Languages and Societies, Master's degree in Education and Training). The courses offered give access to a wide range of professions, in fields as diverse as import-export or teaching and research.

Director: Georges Bê Duc

Location: Amiens, rue des Français Libres - Pôle Citadelle.

NB: Also available at the Beauvais Campus (link to " UPJV Beauvais Campus”)


TRU Website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 1391
Number of teachers: 74
Number of degrees: 4 (2 Bachelor’s degrees - 2 Master’s degrees)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):
  • CEHA, Amiens Hispanic Studies Centre
  • CERCLL, Centre for the Study of Linguistic and Literary Relations and Contacts
  • CORPUS, Conflicts, representations and dialogues in the Anglo-Saxon world
  • Charts, Texts, representations, archaeology, authority and memory from Antiquity to the Renaissance

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