Activités / CV
Download CV (pdf)Current fellowships:
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland & Royal Historical Society
Honorary Professorial Fellowship at University of Edinburgh
President of Association Franco-Ecossaise, 2024-Secretary of the French Society for Scottish Studies (SFEE)Past fellowships:
H2020 Marie Curie Fellow at the U. of Edinburgh (Edinburgh College of Art), 2021-23
Fellow of Institut Universitaire de France, 2015-20
Fellow at Institute of Advanced Studies (IASH), U. of Edinburgh, Autumn 2014
Books :N°1. C. Godard Desmarest,
The Royal High School, Edinburgh, and the Contemporary Rise in Conservation. Paris: Sorbonne UP (in press, expected Feb. 2025)
N°2. With Ian Brown (eds),
Writing Scottishness: Literature and the shaping of Scottish national identities. Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2023
N°3. C. Godard Desmarest (ed.),
The New Town of Edinburgh: An Architectural Celebration. Edinburgh: John Donald, 2019, pp. 320. Nominated A.D. Hitchcock Medallion Prize, SAHGB, 2020
Edited Journals :Clarisse Godard Desmarest and Nora Plesske (eds), Cities in Scotland: Cultural Heritage and National Identity. Angles, 16, 2023Clarisse Godard Desmarest and E. Camp-Piétrain (eds), Nation and Nationalism in Scotland: Cultural and Political Identity. Lisa, 21.56, 2023 Articles in international peer-reviewed journals :N°4. ‘John Ritchie Findlay (1824-98): Architectural Patron and Benefactor.’ Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 149, 2020, pp. 197-220. R. B. K. Stevenson Award, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2020.
N°5. With A. MacKechnie, ‘Prime Minister Lord Rosebery: Architectural Patron and Conservationist.’
The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, New Ser., 16, 2020, pp. 19-46.
N°6. ‘Columns, Statues and Memory in 19th-Century Scotland.’
Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History, 24, 2019, pp. 44-51.
N°7. ‘Princes Street, Edinburgh: A Street of Encounters.’
The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club; The Journal for Edinburgh History, New Ser., 15, 2019, pp. 13-28.
N°8. ‘The Melville Monument and the Shaping of the Scottish Metropolis.’ Architectural History. The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, 61, 2018, pp. 105-130.N°9. ‘Mary Halket, Lady Bruce, at Kinross House in the 1680-90s.’ Architectural Heritage, 27.1, 2017, pp. 19-42. Articles in national peer-reviewed journals :
N°10. With E. Camp-Piétrain, 'introduction' in Nation and Nationalism in Scotland: Cultural and Political Identity. Lisa, 21.56, 2023
N°11. With N. Plesske, 'Coda--Cities in Scotland: Cultural Heritage and National Identity.' Angles, 16, 2023.
N°12. ‘Churches, City and National Identity in Mid-19th Century Edinburgh.’ Angles, 11, 2020.N°13. ‘Scottish and English Architecture: A “Provincial” Relationship.’ E-rea, 17.1, 2019.N°14. ‘La transformation de l’ancienne Royal High School à Édimbourg, un projet controversé.’ Études Écossaises, 20, 2018.
N°15. ‘Le voyage d’éducation de Lord John Bruce (c.1671-1711), gentilhomme écossais.’ Études Écossaises, 19, 2017.
N°16. ‘La correspondance de Lord John Hope (1704-1781).’ Société Française d’Étude du Dix-Huitième Siècle & Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, CNRS, 2014.
N°17. ‘Financing the Cost of an Eighteenth-Century Scottish Estate.’ Études Écossaises, 15, 2012, pp. 145-163.Book chapters :N°18. 'Monuments, Slavery and Memory: An Overview of recent events in Scotland, and the UK' in M. Amblard and S. Juillet (eds),
Découvrir et comprendre les Ecossais d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui. Besançon: PUFC, Calédonia, 2023, pp. 163-176.
N°19. 'Napoleon and Ossian: Celtomania and the construction of French nationhood' in C. Godard Desmarest and I. Brown (eds),
Writing Scottishness: Literature and the shaping of Scottish national identities. Glasgow: SLI, 2023, pp. 98-120.
N°20. ‘Living Horizontally: The Origin of the Tenement in Paris and in Several Burghs in Scotland’ in L. Humm et al. (eds),
The Architecture of Scotland, 1660-1750. Edinburgh: EUP, 2020, pp. 455-482.
N°21. ‘Women Patrons and Designers in Early Eighteenth-Century Scotland: Lady Panmure and Lady Nairne’ in L. Humm, et al. (eds),
Ibid., pp. 233-252.
N°22. ‘Commemorating the Founding of the New Town in 1967 and 2017’ in C. Godard Desmarest (ed.),
The New Town of Edinburgh: An Architectural Celebration. Edinburgh: John Donald, 2019, pp. 253-271.
N°23. ‘Introduction’ in C. Godard Desmarest (ed.),
Ibid., pp. 1-18.
N°24. ‘L’architecture suburbaine d’Édimbourg au début du XVIIIe siècle’ in M. Mianowski, S. Nail and P. Carboni (eds),
La Nature Citadine en France et au Royaume-Uni. Rennes: UP, 2015, pp. 37-52.
N°25. ‘The Work Ethic in the Improvement of Scottish Houses and Landscapes of the 18th Century’ in R. Findley (ed.),
The Work Ethic and the Scots. Toulouse: Toulouse UP, 2013, pp. 39-51.
N°26. ‘Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Hundred Days, from March 9 to June 16, 1933’ in F. Robert (ed.),
Les Années Roosevelt aux Etats-Unis (1932-1945) entre New Deal et Home Front. Paris: Éllipses, 2013, pp. 77-90.
In press:N°27. With James Legard, 'Higher Learning and Materialities' in E. Mijers (ed.),
The Bloomsbury Cultural History of Higher Learning in the Age of Enlightenment. London: Bloomsbury, 2025.
Other: articles for general public, book & exhibit. reviews. See CV
Informations complémentaires
Recent and forthcoming talks:
- ECSSS conference U. of Stirling, 17-20 June 2025
- ECSSS conference U. of Princeton, 30 May-2 June 2024
- SFEEc conference U. of Edinburgh, 2-4 May 2024
- U. of Aberdeen,
RIISS Spring Seminar Series, 9 April 2024
Monograph in preparation on Scottish architect William Burn (output of EU MSCA IF)

Ian Brown and Clarisse Godard Desmarest (eds),
Writing Scottishness: Literature and the Shaping of Scottish National Identities (Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2023)'s sense of national identity and cultural distinctiveness has long been articulated through its literature. These fourteen essays explore literary manifestations of Scottishness and examine the political, religious and cultural complexities, as well as the cross-national transfer of ideas, that have shaped Scottish writing and performance through the centuries. By analysing the works of canonical workers such as Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson alongside sometimes marginal workers, including Gaelic-language poets and women novelists, this volume offers a comprehensive and diverse understanding of writing Scottishness. The collection draws not only on Scottish texts but also Scottish song culture, cinematic adaptations and literary walking trails to shed new light on the nation's negotiation of its identity through its cultural creations.
C. Godard Desmarest (ed.), The New Town of Edinburgh: An Architectural Celebration. Edinburgh: John Donald, 2019.This collection of innovative essays celebrates the New Town of Edinburgh over the 250 years since its original creation. The contributing authors discuss the intellectual, economic and political contexts which provided the impetus for the city of Edinburgh to expand north of the Old Town, and analyse the New Town’s unique architectural status in terms of its size, monumentality and degree of preservation. For centuries, Scotland has pursued innovation, improvement, commerce and contact with England and the Continent; and since medieval times it has been an urbanising land of planned towns. This book reflects on the constantly changing dialogue between Edinburgh’s Old and New Towns, from the eighteenth century to the present time, as the city became increasingly commercialised. It also compares Edinburgh’s New Town with more recent new towns elsewhere, notably nineteenth century Dunedin in New Zealand and Scotland’s planned new-town movement of the twentieth century. The age of conservation is another of the central themes. By drawing on different approaches to the new town phenomenon in Scotland, this volume pays tribute to Scotland’s vibrant capital, and offers insights into new research on Scotland’s urban development. This collection of innovative essays celebrates the New Town of Edinburgh over the 250 years since its original creation.
Book Launch, French Consulate in Edinburgh, 31 October 2019Conference Organisation (selection)
Land and Power in Scotland: History, Law and the Environment, Paris Panthéon Assas & Université de Picardie, 26-27 June 2025
The European Society for the Study of English, 31 August-4 Sept. 2021. With Nora Plesske (U. of Magdeburg), panel on 'Cities in Scotland: Cultural Heritage and National Identity'
20th congress of Société Française d'Etudes Ecossaises, U. of Picardie (Amiens), 7-9 Oct. 2021: 'Scotland and Nationalism: cultural and political aspects of Scottish identity from the medieval period to the present' International conference ‘Edinburgh New Town and the new towns in Scotland, 1767-2017’, U. of Picardie & U. of Edinburgh, at Edinburgh, Scottish Historic Buildings Trust/ Patrick Geddes Centre, 14 June 2018 - with E. Cocher, French HC in Edinburgh, and A. Allan, Scottish Minister for International Development and Europe
website.- International conference ‘La Nouvelle Ville d’Édimbourg et les villes nouvelles en Écosse, 1767-2017 : Regards sur 250 ans de patrimoine urbain’, U. of Picardie, Logis du Roy, 5-6 Oct. 2017
website & online videos.
- Royal Society of Edinburgh Susan Manning Workshop on ‘Cultural Mediation: Arts, Minds and Emotions’, U. of Edinburgh, Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, 27 April 2015
- Co-organised, with J-F. Dunyach, the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society and Adam Smith Society international conference on ‘Scotland, Europe and Empire in the Age of Adam Smith and Beyond’ at U. Paris-Sorbonne, 3-6 July 2013
Co-editor of ‘Politics and Culture in Europe, 1650-1750’, Routledge