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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Commission members

The International Relations Commission (IR) meets once a quarter. It defines, implements and monitors the actions carried out within the framework of the UPJV's international strategy; it reviews the progress of the various working groups and ensures their follow-up. It can also meet extraordinarily depending on the current situation.

The commission brings together

The permanent members

  • The Bureau of the Commission, composed of :
  1. Marie-Françoise Melmoux-Montaubin, Vice President (VP) for International Relations, reporting to the President
  2. Delphine Hermès, Delegate for the "Carré de l'international" and international academic courses
  3. Andreas Zeinert, European Networks Officer
  • Geographical coordinators
  • Thematic coordinators
  • Katarina Kilani, Director of International Relations and DRI staff members
  • Emmanuelle Etienne, Director of Research (or her representative) - according to the context
  • 1 member of the Partnerships and Strategic Projects Department - according to the context

The permanent guests

  • Denis Postel, VP for Research or his representative
  • Christophe Bident, VP for academic courses or his representative
  • , Deputy Director General of Services (DGAS) of the Research and International Relations Unit (2RI)
Download: Organigram of the commission - 2021

The geographical coordinators of the UPJV

The missions of the geographical coordinators

  • Mapping and updating of partnerships
  • Monitoring of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and implementation agreements; support for project leaders
  • Supporting the development and influence of the UPJV in their geographical area: development of training courses via dual training, relocations, development of certifications, digital campuses
  • Hosting of ECs from partner universities; organisation of hosting/visiting missions (with specific programme, proposal of partners, etc.)

They are essential contacts for teachers and researchers wishing to undertake a mission or propose a training partnership with a university. Within the Commission, they are also a source of proposals for everything that concerns their geographical area (opportunities, threats, etc.).

They participate in the various working groups set up within the Commission and present a full geographical report to the UPJV councils at the end of the year.

The thematic coordinators of the UPJV

The missions of the thematic coordinators


  • Support for Erasmus and IR coordinators in each component
  • UFR/IR Committee liaison ; proposals: hosting, mobility, etc.
  • Incentives to submit projects (Erasmus+; AUF; MESRI, Horizon Europe, etc.)

They are essential contacts for teacher-researchers wishing to propose a partnership that concerns their field of study, whether it be training or research. They participate in the various working groups set up within the Commission and present a full geographical report to the UPJV councils at the end of each year. 

The Erasmus and IR component coordinators

In parallel and in consultation with the thematic and geographical coordinators, the implementation of the IR Commission's international strategy is relayed and consolidated by the Erasmus and IR component coordinators.

The Erasmus and IR component coordinators are responsible for informing students and colleagues about the possibilities and advantages of mobility; they also support students and colleagues new to their component. They centralise ideas, needs and suggestions in terms of international strategy and partnerships in regard to their component. 

Download: The Erasmus and IR component coordinators


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