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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Digital workspace

The UPJV provides its students and staff with digital tools to facilitate your administrative and/or pedagogical procedures and to support you in your university activities!

UPJV card

As soon as you register or are recruited at the UPJV, you will receive a UPJV card with your name on it. It contains:

  • your student or staff number
  • your secure electronic national identity code (INES)
These data will allow you to activate your UPJV email and to create your login ID. This step is essential to take advantage of the features of your card:

  • access to certain buildings
  • IZLY card payment in university restaurants
  • loans, photocopying and printing in the University Libraries (BU)
  • culture pass for students, on registration
  • access to the university's digital tools (WIFI network, digital workspace, "My UPJV App" (telephone application)

WIFI network

The UPJV campuses are covered by a secure "UPJV" WIFI network: you will be able to connect to it with your personalised login ID.

If you go to another university, your UPJV login ID will allow you to use the secure WIFI network common to all universities in France, the "EDUROAM" network.

Wherever you go, you stay connected!

Digital Workspace (ENT)

The UPJV's digital workspace (ENT) gives you secure access to a multitude of services from any computer connected to the Internet.
  • You are a student
Print a certificate of attendance, consult your course materials on your educational platform, practice and test yourself in languages, download free software, sign up for sports classes, recharge your lunch card in university restaurants, consult the catalogue and digital resources of the libraries...

The ENT facilitates your administrative and pedagogical procedures, and provides you with the tools you need to succeed in your studies !
  • You are a teacher-researcher
Reserve a time-slot to access shared equipment platforms, upload your course materials and teaching activities to your teaching platform, register for staff sports courses, manage your mission orders, schedule an audio-visual team to film a conference, detect plagiarism, etc.

ENT supports you in all your teaching and research activities !

My UPJV phone application

Running on Android and iOS, the "My UPJV App” is intended for the entire university community, students and staff.

By logging in with your UPJV login ID, you can:
  • View your schedule
  • Receive official messages from the institution
  • View the map of the different UPJV sites
  • To find out about the general news of the UPJV and the news of the student life services
  • Access the Job-teaser platform to find an internship, a job offer...


Not yet part of the UPJV community ?

You can still download the "My UPJV App" to find out everything about university life, find your way around the various campuses and branches (live geolocation system), and find out the latest news about student life.

To download it, go to the AppStore or Google Play Store.

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