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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Mundus MESC+

Your contact : Jamila TAMIMY -

Students with a Bachelor's degree can join the UPJV via a scientific academic course of excellence in the field of energy: the Erasmus Mundus International Master's programme "Materials for energy storage and conversion" (MESC+). This two-year Master's programme, which has been awarded the European Union label, is taught entirely in English.

The MESC+ brings together students from different continents. The course includes several periods of mobility in Europe and outside Europe. A B2+ level in English is required. 

Several partners are involved in the MESC+ :

  • 5 European universities (France, Poland, Slovenia and Spain)
  • 1 US university 
  • 1 university in Australia 
  • 1 European research institute (ALISTORE)
  • the French network on energy storage (RS2E
  • the Slovenian National Institute of Chemistry (NIC)
  • 1 research centre in Spain (CIC Energigune)
MESC+ is led by members of several world-class research laboratories in the field of energy-related materials. They are all working closely together in several European and trans-European projects.

For more information on Mundus

For more information and to apply, please visit the MESC+ website :


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