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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Partners and networks

The UPJV develops and maintains partnerships with more than 700 universities throughout the world. This network enables the UPJV to implement international mobility cooperation programmes (students, teachers/researchers,administrative staff) and scientific cooperation programmes (research teams, training departments). More:

Several prestigious international networks

The University of Picardie Jules Verne is a member of several prestigious international networks promoting research, training and mobility partnerships throughout the world.

Campus France

The UPJV is a member of Campus France. This French national agency is in charge of promoting French higher education abroad, managing grants from French and foreign governments, and hosting international students. It is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Roles of Campus France:

  • hosting of foreign students and researchers, including assistance with visas and accommodation
  • management of scholarships, internships and other programmes for the international mobility of students and researchers
  • animation of "France Alumni", a network of international former students of French higher education
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Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Association of French-speaking Universities (AUF)

The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) is a global network of partially or entirely French-speaking  higher education and research institutions. It brings together 1,007 universities, graduate schools (grandes écoles), university networks and scientific research centres using the French language in 119 countries.
Created nearly 60 years ago, it is the world's largest association of higher education and research institutions based on a common language. It promotes a French-speaking university community committed to the economic, social and cultural development of societies, while respecting the diversity of cultures and languages.

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International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP)

Since 1993, the UPJV has been a member of the International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP). This network includes nearly 300 universities in 50 countries, more than half of which are located throughout the United States. The ISEP network is a recognised world leader in the field of international student mobility.

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The European Erasmus+ programme

The Erasmus+ programme was set up by the European Union to promote student mobility and cooperation in higher education. The programme currently covers the 27 EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the United Kingdom. The UPJV currently has over 300 Erasmus+ partnerships with higher education institutions in Europe.

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Student exchange program with Quebec (BCI)

Within the framework of the BCI, a student exchange programme with Quebec (Canada), the UPJV is a partner of 9 Quebec universities, including one English-speaking university.

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The European ALISTORE network

The ALISTORE-ERI network is an international research federation, led by France and the National Centre for Scientific Research Centre (CNRS). 19 academic partners and 12 major industrial groups in the field of renewable energy storage are involved, representing several countries:

  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Poland
  • Austria
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • The Netherlands
  • Sweden
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Galatasaray University Consortium (Turkey)

This consortium brings together several French universities and higher education institutions to support the development of Galatasaray University (GSÜ - Turkey), which was created in 1992 following a Franco-Turkish intergovernmental agreement.

Consortium actions:

  • to ensure the long-term teaching in French and of French
  • to develop and coordinate cooperation in the field of joint degree courses, co-supervision of theses, and research between Galatasaray University and the member universities
  • to organise the hosting of Galatasaray University doctoral students, researchers and lecturers at partner universities
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Consortium of the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (USTH - Vietnam)

Created in 2019, the USTH Consortium brings together some forty higher education institutions and research organisations from France. It was created with the aim of helping the development of the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (Vietnam).

Consortium actions:

  • in France, animation of a network of Vietnamese PhD students working in French partner laboratories
  • in Vietnam, pedagogical participation in Masters courses accredited by both France and Vietnam
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