Tuition fees are required to study in France and at the UPJV. As the French government subsidises higher education, the cost to students is relatively low.
Student life and campus contribution (CVEC)
In France, each student enrolled in a higher education institution must obtain, prior to enrolment, a certificate of payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC), by payment or exemption.
The CVEC was introduced in 2018. It is intended to:
promote social, health, cultural and sporting support for students
support prevention and health education activities for students
There is a single fee, even for multiple registrations.
For 2020/2021 academic year, the amount payable is €92.
At the end of the procedure, you will be given a certificate with a unique number: this document will be requested when you register or re-register at the UPJV.
Exemption from CVEC
Please note! Even if you are exempt, you must obtain and present your certificate of exemption.
Some students may be exempt from the CVEC:
International students enrolled at the UPJV via an exchange programme
Grant holders or beneficiaries of an annual allowance granted in the framework of specific annual aid
Refugee students
Students with subsidiary protection
Students who are registered as asylum seekers and have the right to remain in the country
Exchange students Students enrolling at the UPJV as part of an exchange programme do not have to pay registration fees: these are collected by your home university.
Individual students International students registered as individuals must pay the registration fee to the UPJV.
European students
Students from the European Union, the European Economic Area, Andorra or Switzerland must pay the following fees:
€170 per year at Bachelor level
€243 per year at Master level
€380 per year at PhD level
Non-EU students
You are partly exempted from the differentiated tuition fees (that is to say you will pay the same fees as French or classical students) IF :
- You are a new-student from a country outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and you will register for the 1st time (newly registered) at the UPJV in an individual mobility, applying for a Master’s degree ;
- You are a student from a country outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and you have already been registered at the UPJV before 2022-2023 (at least 1 time), enrolled for any national degree (Bachelor’s or Master’s).
Il you do not meet one of these criteria, tuition fees for a Bachelor’s degree will be 2 770 €.