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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Research strategy

The UPJV is part of a reorganisation of research at the national level as well as in regional structures favouring the development of alliances between higher education establishments in the form of "sites", and networking between "sites" around common and unifying themes.


This reorganisation is taking place in the context of an international pandemic which is having an impact on the dynamics of research, particularly by hindering international mobility and influence through conferences and symposia.

Adapting to a national structure

The UPJV must also adapt its research strategy to a national structure for the next five years, organised around the PIA4 tools supported by the National Research Agency (ANR), the choices of thematic support oriented by the Central and Regional Government Planning Contract (CPER), as well as to the support policies of the socio-economic actors and the territorial authorities.

Strengths and partnerships

The UPJV's research policy is based on its existing and recognised strengths, but also on a dynamic partnership policy aiming to position its fields of excellence as levers and thus to allow the rise of transversal themes. This structuring is also part of the implementation of a site policy jointly with the universities of Artois and Littoral (A2U site). The development of research areas is intended to have a strong influence and be identified within the network of higher education establishments in the region, in partnership with national and international research stakeholders.

The commitment of researchers

The development of research implies a close continuum with training from entry into the University to doctoral training. The commitment of researchers is essential in order to base the transfer of skills on the results of their research, both through lectures and seminars and by opening their laboratories to students.


Work with local authorities

For nearly ten years, the successes obtained in the various Research Investment Programmes (in 2010, 2014 and 2016) as well as the joint work with local authorities have contributed to structuring the institution's research.

36 research units

The UPJV's research strategy is carried out by 36 research units, including 10 laboratories associated with public scientific and technological establishments (6 CNRS, 2 INSERM, 1 INRAE), or public industrial and commercial establishments (1 INERIS), and with the support of 8 technological platforms.

Three main areas of specialisation:

  • Agro-resources (Environment and Bio-economy) 
  • Energy and mobility
  • Health and technology

Three cross-cutting axes:

  • Control of chronic and accidental risks and environmental impacts
  • Development of digital tools and control of systems of systems
  • Promotion of SHS in the approach to major societal challenges and social innovations
In these fields, a structuring in the form of Transdisciplinary Thematic Institutes is underway in order to promote dynamics at the disciplinary interfaces (e.g. Robotic Surgery; Risks; Autonomy; Environment and Agrosciences; Heritage, etc.)
Although the UPJV is already well developed at international level, the research roadmap for the coming years shows a strong desire to develop further at both at European and international levels.

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